WordPress is a awesome SEO friendly CMS.The following are some basic tips on how to fine-tune your WordPress site to get improved search engine results ranking.
1.Change your Permalink Structure for URLs
The permalinks feature allows you to create custom URL structures for your WordPress post or page. By default, WordPress sets your post URLs like
This is not proper URL structure because you are not getting any benefit from having keywords in the URL. So lets take a look other available URL structure option in WordPress.You can find the permalink settings under Setting > Permalinks.
Use /%postname%/ in the Custom Structure option.So your URL structure will be like this
Is not it look pretty 🙂
2. Think about your Title Tags
By default, the title for your blog posts in WordPress is “Blog name » Post title”
Some time this is not good for SEO and you may want to change this.There are some very powerful SEO plugin for WordPress.I will recommend All in One SEO Pack
Install it on your blog and after activating it you will see a meta box at the bottom of the post edit section
On the Title field put your customized info.There are some other fields which are self explanatory
3. Use a very good caching plugin to cash your WordPress post or page
Caching is very important it will improve your website loading speed and this is a very important factor in SEO.
I will recommend W3 total Cache
W3 Total Cache improves the user experience of your site by improving your server performance, caching every aspect of your site, reducing the download times and providing transparent content delivery network (CDN) integration.
4. Use an XML Sitemap
XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com to better index your WordPress website.
Using the Google XML Sitemaps WordPress plugin will automatically generate an XML sitemap of your WordPress website for you. It will even notify Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines that your XML sitemap has been updated.