You can use this filter to change the default “Registration complete. Please check your e-mail.” message on wordpress. [php] add_filter( ‘wp_login_errors’, ‘override_reg_complete_msg’, 10, 2 ); function override_reg_complete_msg( $errors, $redirect_to ) { if( isset( $errors->errors[‘registered’] ) ) { $needle = __(‘Registration complete. Please check your e-mail.’); foreach( $errors->errors[‘registered’] as $index => $msg ) { if( $msg […]
Best ways to detect IE browser
IE6 is a worse dream for every web developers. Good news is that Software giant Microsoft has released a new website with the expressed aim of killing off its Internet Explorer 6 browser. Still we have to deal with IE7 to IE9 Here is some way to cut down your development time by easily […]